Delivery Address: 1131 Weeden Rd. Caro, MI, 48723 |
Delivery Partners: None |
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you came to this page from an internet search be aware this is NOT a website for Coon Creek Packing! This is a website for Becker Farms of Michigan, LLC. We list the processor's information here for our customer's convenience. If you e-mail us or call the phone number listed on the bottom on this page you are calling our farm - we are NOT the processor. The processor's phone number is the "contact phone" listed just above delivery times on this page only.
Coon Creek Packing can be reached at 989-673-2688.
Coon Creek will call you to confirm when the meat will be ready. You do not have to come on the exact day they call, usually pick up anytime within a week of when they call is fine. Please do not leave the meat there longer than a week as they do have limited freezer space.
We (Becker Farms) will e-mail you an invoice for the meat as soon as we get the pig weights from the processor.
At pickup, the processor will have a separate invoice for their cutting and packaging services.
Coon Creek vacuum seals the meat and will have it ready it nice, sturdy cardboard boxes for you. No need to bring coolers unless it's hot and/or you have a long drive.
The boxes measure 28" x 17" x 7" and an average whole pig fits in about 2 1/2 boxes, to give you an idea how much freezer space you will need.
Our pork is raised outdoors each summer. You can choose a half, whole, or more. Our pork is processed at and picked up directly from Coon Creek Packing in Caro, MI. The meat is sent to Walsh Packing in Pigeon, MI for smoking and then returns to Caro for you to pick up there.
2023 DATES:
October 2nd butcher date - meat should be ready for pickup the week of October 16th.
October 30th butcher date - meat should be ready for pickup the week of November 13th.
Coon Creek's Contact Phone 989-673-2688
Delivery Time | Ordering Starts | Ordering Ends |
10/21/2024 - 08:00AM to 05:00PM | 08/27/2024 at 07:00PM | 10/06/2024 at 07:00PM |
11/11/2024 - 08:00AM to 05:00PM | 08/27/2024 at 07:00PM | 10/20/2024 at 07:00PM |